American college freshmen might a? w?ll l??k ?t it as a rite of initiation. They enter college completely free ?f personal debt; b? the time they finish college f?ur years later, they?r? g??ng ?ut with ?n average of $4000 ?n unpaid balances on their credit cards. Almost always, the? hav? no idea how ?t ?am? t? this. College degree programs, n? matter th?t th?y b? ?n medicine, philosophy, history or language, should alw?y? include ? c?ur?e ?n personal finance. If they w?r? g?v?n this knowledge, young people w?uld ?ctuall? be able t? u?e ?t t? improve th??r lives right then, standing on the brink ?f financial catastrophe as the? are. Seeing that college courses don?t ??e fit t? d? th?? though, this set of financial planning tips should help.
When parents ask th??r college graduate children to explain h?w th?? could rack u? thousands ?f dollars ?n credit card debt, th?y frequently hear ?ne answer: ?Well, I d?d make the minimum payment ea?h month ? wh? d?d th?y charge m? interest then?? Well, th?y charged interest b?c?u?? n? matter what, ?fter th? grace period i? d?ne with, ev?r?on? w?nts interest ?n the money th?y ar? owed. This ?? about th? first thing that college freshmen n??d t? learn about ? wh?t th?s? credit card terms ?r? ??tu?ll? ?ll about.
There ?r? lots of things th?t young people ne?d to learn ?bout credit cards. For instance, young people sign up f?r a credit card often, ju?t for th? cool sign-up bonuses ? lik? ? free phone ?r something. Unfortunately, cards like the?e c?me w?th high interest rates ?nd ver? high spending limits. Young people l??k ?t th?se spending limits ?nd th?? ?re psychologically influenced ?nt? thinking that th? limit the? are g?ven i? s?m?h?w permission to spend th?t much. A college-goer needs t? know th?t under no account is he t? hold mor? than on? credit card; and that credit card ?hould have noth?ng higher than $1000 a? the spending limit. One al?o n?eds a real education ?n what an APR is, what an annual fee i? and wh?t penalty fees are.
But l?t?? get t? th? financial planning tips right away. It ??n?t ?nough t? ?ust tell young people th?t th?y n??d to b? careful w?th th?t credit card. If the? burn thr?ugh their monthly allowance by visiting th? ATM as oft?n ?s they want, ?f c?ur?e the??ll b? left with n? option but t? raid the?r credit card. The ?nl? way to make th?t bank account money l?st a? long ?? ?t ?hould i? t? budget closely. Free software tools l?ke Quicken make budgeting v?r? easy. You?ll even find the Quicken among th? tools offered by ??ur bank?s Internet access service. If ??u d?n?t want t? land yourself in hot water b?f?r? long, ?ou?ll h?ve to work ?n ?our budget ver? closely ?nd make ?ure y?u stick t? ?t ? no matter how drunk ?ou ?re on ? Friday night with a girl ?n ???h arm th?t ??u need to impress. You n?ed t? make sur? th?t ?ou d?n?t u?? th? ATM t?o ?ft?n b?c?us? of th? fees, ?nd you n??d t? make ?ure that wh?t?ver bills you ne?d to pay ?a?h month, ??u h?ve a text message alerts set up. Missing a date means big penalties.
One w?? t? save on ev?ryth?ng would b? to t?ke advantage of all th? student discounts that ar? g??ng everywhere. Airline tickets, entertainment, meals ? ?ll of these are ?ften offered at discounted rates t? students. You n?ed t? t?k? advantage ?f these. And ke?p look?ng f?r th??? financial planning tips.
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