বুধবার, ১৬ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

Kim K. sues publicist who called wedding a sham

Ms. BONNIE FULLER (Editor-in-chief, Hollywoodlife.com): Good morning.

Ms. ROSANNE COLLETTI (NBC'S "Gossip Gram"): Good morning.

GIFFORD: Went without any sleep at all this weekend.

KOTB: Of course you didn't.

Ms. FULLER: It was a busy weekend.

Ms. COLLETTI: It certainly was.

KOTB: Topping it -- topping it off Lindsay Lohan . We heard she spent four-and-a-half hours in jail, poor thing.

GIFFORD: She must be exhausted and traumatized.

KOTB: Yeah.

Ms. FULLER: Well, yes. All she was -- all she was there for was four hours. She checked in at 9:00 last night. I think she was more exhausted from trying to crash Leo DiCaprio 's party.

KOTB: When was that?

GIFFORD: Was it the night before, or something?

Ms. COLLETTI: Thursday night.

Ms. FULLER: Well, it was, I think, Thursday night. But the information came out about it on the weekend, and apparently she talked her way in. She tried to get to Leo . His bodyguards kept her away.

KOTB: Oh, my gosh.

Ms. FULLER: And she made everybody uncomfortable there.

GIFFORD: I don't think she realizes how much of a fool she is looking to people, so desperate.

KOTB: Yeah.

Ms. FULLER: Yes.

GIFFORD: You know? God, it's such a cry for help .

KOTB: It is.

Ms. COLLETTI: It really...

KOTB: Did she ever shoot that Playboy spread?

Ms. COLLETTI: She did. And she did that right before going to the Leonardo DiCaprio party, and was still dressed in the...

KOTB: Oh, in that outfit.

Ms. COLLETTI: In that out -- well, in her hair and makeup.

KOTB: Hair.

Ms. FULLER: Didn't want to waste the hair and makeup.

Ms. COLLETTI: She still had that. What's very sad for Lindsay is the judge has said that she cannot leave the country, and that's going to be cutting into her income.

KOTB: What income?

Ms. COLLETTI: Because she has -- well, she has a modeling shoot, a half a million dollar modeling shoot in Germany . She has to be there by the middle of November. She can't go.

KOTB: But it's not sad because she's not, I mean, she shouldn't be able to go anywhere, right?

GIFFORD: That's right . Exactly.

Ms. FULLER: I mean, and she's not going to be able -- who knows if she can even do that Gotti movie because she's got to put in about 58 days working for the coroner in the morgue.

GIFFORD: Well maybe that's finally going to be the very thing that registers with her.

KOTB: Yeah.

GIFFORD: Like, 'I can no longer live my life this way.'

KOTB: You have to give something up.

GIFFORD: 'If I want to have the benefits of my life, I -- you know, the perks.'

KOTB: Yeah. All right. Let's move on to the Kardashians for a minute, because we saw Kim Kardashian in Minnesota . She did go.

Ms. FULLER: Yes.

KOTB: And they say she's trying to make amends. What do you guys think the story is there?

Ms. FULLER: Well, she flew in at 5:30 in the morning. Apparently she couldn't sleep. I mean, really, thank goodness she went. I mean, apparently Kris Humphries found out about his own divorce on the Internet .

KOTB: Oh, my goodness.

Ms. FULLER: When he saw his divorce papers online.

Ms. COLLETTI: I don't...

Ms. FULLER: I mean, that's just no way to do it.

GIFFORD: That say that's not true, that he knew it was coming. But so there's a little area there.

KOTB: We're not a 100, yeah.

GIFFORD: We're not a 100 percent sure about.

Ms. COLLETTI: I don't think she expected the heat from this that she is getting.

Ms. FULLER: Yeah, probably not.

Ms. COLLETTI: Some of the tweets out there have been rather just dead-on and cruel. They have said that her sex tape was longer than her marriage and that she should have married the lockout because it would be over in 72 days as opposed to no NBA season.

KOTB: So is this just a PR thing to go meet the family or do you think this is a real shot at reconciliation?

Ms. FULLER: Let's hope it's not PR . Now when she got married, the pastor was very -- Joel Johnson , he was serious. We talked to him and he said that he had -- that they discussed marriage, how it was a sacred commitment. Now she met with the pastor and Kris for four hours yesterday, so let's hope that this was a real effort to try and sort things out.

KOTB: ...kind of had their way with the Kardashian crowd, too.

Ms. FULLER: Yeah.

KOTB: I guess that's it -- that's it. I mean, if you're going to be in that sort of spotlight.

GIFFORD: That comes with the territory, unfortunately.

KOTB: Yeah, they...

Ms. COLLETTI: That could even increase viewership, though, for the program. Because people tend to like train wrecks, and this sort of has all the appearance of a train wreck and it might even be beneficial.

GIFFORD: You know, it's very difficult for people who have been absolutely worshipped and adored and put on a pedestal. Look what happened with Tiger Woods .

KOTB: Right. You have a scandal, right.

GIFFORD: You know, when you've been nothing but adored your whole life and all of a sudden there's a whole different feeling coming at you.

KOTB: Yeah.

GIFFORD: Many people just don't have the skills to deal with something like.

KOTB: Yeah.

Ms. FULLER: And I agree. I don't think she expected that backlash.

KOTB: The weekend box office, interesting. " Puss in Boots " out for it's second week is still number one.

Ms. COLLETTI: Can't beat the donkey.

KOTB: Yeah.

GIFFORD: I actually adored that movie. I thought it was so sweet.

KOTB: And then Eddie Murphy 's -- yeah. Eddie Murphy 's movie was in second, "Tower Heist." Surprised or not?

Ms. COLLETTI: Mm-hmm.

Ms. FULLER: Not really surprised. Actually, I saw both movies.


Ms. FULLER: I mean "Tower Heist" it was fine, but it wasn't fabulous.

KOTB: Yeah.

Ms. FULLER: And you really wanted fabulous for an Eddie Murphy comeback. And, you know, I'm sure he's concerned because he was named by Forbes as the -- one of -- this -- the number two most overpaid actors in Hollywood .

KOTB: And they did some math on that, didn't they?

Ms. COLLETTI: Right, yes. They did, they said...

GIFFORD: And Drew Barrymore was the first.

Ms. COLLETTI: That's right .

GIFFORD: Drew Barrymore movies did quite well.

KOTB: Apparently.

Ms. COLLETTI: Well, " Puss in Boots " had sort of a soft opening the weekend before.

GIFFORD: Because of the weather.

Ms. COLLETTI: Because of the weather.

KOTB: Oh, I forgot. You're right.

GIFFORD: The weather was awful.

Ms. COLLETTI: So then everyone who didn't go went this weekend.

GIFFORD: This week. Got it, yeah.

KOTB: OK. All right, ladies. You're busy, busy, busy. We're exhausted.

GIFFORD: I can't keep up with it all. Thanks so much, ladies.

Ms. FULLER: Thank you.

GIFFORD: I'm very aware that I have fairies on my legs. Anyway, how short is your skirt? We've got the latest looks for the fall right after this.

KOTB: Uh-huh , what about your look? Is that for the fall?

GIFFORD: It's for the -- apparently. Who's cooler than I am?

Source: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/45285309/ns/today-entertainment/

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